Roll Up Your Sleeves

Sinclair Broadcast Group Rallies Blood Donors Across the Country to Help Impact Thousands of Lives

10000 +

Lives Impacted

Campaign Summary

SBG activated and leveraged its entire media footprint to share and educate the importance and need for blood donations, especially during historically low donation summer months, on top of the limitations of COVID restrictions.

Throughout the partnership with the American Red Cross and blood centers across the country, we amplified the message of blood donations during COVID, urging viewers to make an appointment to give blood — integrating it through every business unit’s multi-platforms: news stories, promotion, PSAs, online digital stories, social media channels, in-game sports messaging in baseball, basketball and hockey games, and more.

If you are interested in giving blood, please consider scheduling an appointment.

Campaign Results

Exponential Impact

  • The campaign was instrumental in collecting thousands of units of blood and thousands of appointments to give blood were made. Of those tracked, a minimum of 2,000 units of blood were collected. Thousands more appointments to donate blood were made, according to local partners who cite the ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES blood donation awareness campaign as a catalyst.
  • Each unit of blood can save up to three lives = Tens of thousands of lives positively affected by this community campaign.

SBG Stood in the Gap

  • The campaign helped when needed the most, during historically low blood collection summer months, plus COVID restrictions and limitations.
  • Blood centers across the country saw year to year increases in appointments made and blood units collected.

Statement From The American Red Cross

“The American Red Cross is incredibly grateful to Sinclair Broadcast Group for helping to amplify the constant need for blood to help patients in need throughout their diverse platforms. Millions of impressions were garnered by the Sinclair Cares: Roll Up Your Sleeves campaign, prompting thousands of new and existing blood donors to schedule appointments to give at a critical time,” said Kamenna Lee, vice president, Biomedical Services Marketing at the American Red Cross. “The Red Cross is so fortunate to have the support of generous partners like Sinclair Broadcast Group, to help ensure our lifesaving mission continues throughout this pandemic.”

Social Media

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